In India, Realme has revealed a unique Valentine's Day advertising. Discounts on the Narzo series will be available during the sale, which will begin on February 6 on and the Amazon India website and end on February 12. During the sale, a number of Realme Narzo smartphones, such as the Realme 60x 5G, Realme Narzo N55, and realme Narzo N53, will be offered at reduced costs. It is also reported that the most recent realme Narzo 60 Pro 5G and realme Narzo 60 5G would see price reductions during the impending sale.
Image credit:realme |
As previously announced, realme's Valentine's Day promotion, which offers discounts on a variety of Narzo series phones, will launch on February 6 at 12:00pm IST on and Customers purchasing the realme Narzo 60 Pro 5G with 8GB RAM + 128GB storage and 12GB RAM + 1TB storage will receive a discount coupon worth Rs. 2,000 during the sale, while those buying the 12GB RAM + 256GB version will receive a discount coupon worth Rs. 4,000. Customers can also apply for additional 2,000 rupee bank discounts. When these features are included, the handset's starting price will be Rs. 21,999.
The Realme Narzo 60 5G's base 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variant is now available for Rs. 14,999, down from the Rs. 17,999 suggested retail price. Rather of costing Rs. 19,999, the upgraded model with 256GB of storage will only cost Rs. 16,999.
The starting price of the Realme Narzo 60x 5G in India would be Rs. 10,999 during the company's Valentine's Day offer. This represents a Rs. 2,000 reduction from the phone's usual beginning price. Similarly, instead of the original price tag of Rs. 12,999, the Realme Narzo N55 with 6GB RAM and 128GB storage will be available for Rs. 8,999.
The Realme Narzo N53's 4GB RAM+64GB storage option will now retail for Rs. 7,499 as opposed to Rs. 8,999. The pricing of the smartphone has been reduced from Rs. 11,999 to Rs. 9,499 for the 8GB RAM+128GB model.